Portable Sawmill Types, A Few Ways to Get the Job Done

Being an arborist i had access to salvaged logs and I got into milling thanks to that access. You might be like me, or are a woodworker or just someone looking to learn more about the types of portable sawmills and you likely know how important it is to be working with the right tools. Each of these types of portable sawmills have pros and cons as you’ll see. Portable sawmills have become more and more popular recently because you can bring the mill to where the logs are and they can be super heavy and hard to transport so its a great option.

  1. Chainsaw Mills are the most simple type of portable sawmills. They are compact and affordable and can be used with any chainsaw...which since i had a whole bunch of chainsaws being an arborist, this made it easy to try out milling myself. These types of mills are designed to be attached to a chainsaw, and the chainsaw provides the power to cut the log. Chainsaw mills are best suited for smaller logs and can produce lumber up to 18 inches in width. They are definitely not the best option for larger logs. I still have one of these and definitely still use it.

  2. Band Saw Mills are larger and more expensive than chainsaw mills. They are powered by an electric motor or a gas engine, and they use a band saw blade to cut logs into lumber. Band saw mills are more efficient than chainsaw mills and can handle larger logs up to 36 inches in width. They are also more accurate and produce higher quality lumber. As i got more into milling and my woodworking projects got a lot larger, it was clear that i was going to need to get a bigger machine and i dropped in and got myself one of these.

  3. Swing Blade Mills are unique because they use a circular saw blade that swings back and forth to cut logs. The blade can be tilted to produce different thicknesses of lumber, and it can also be used to cut slabs. Swing blade mills are more expensive than chainsaw mills and band saw mills, but they are also more versatile. They can handle logs of any size and can produce lumber of any thickness.

  4. Hydraulic Mills are the most advanced type of portable sawmill. They are powered by a hydraulic motor and use a hydraulic system to control the saw blade. Hydraulic mills are the fastest and most efficient type of portable sawmill, and they can handle the largest logs up to 48 inches in width. They are also the most expensive and require a significant investment.

Each type of mill has its advantages. Chainsaw mills are the most basic and affordable, but they are not suitable for large logs. Band saw mills are more efficient and accurate and can handle larger logs, but they are more expensive. Swing blade mills are versatile and can handle any size of logs, but they are also the most expensive. Hydraulic mills are the most advanced and can handle the largest logs, but they require a significant investment. If youre thinking about getting into it, i recommend starting with a chainsaw mill and working your way up, but really just choose the type of portable sawmill that best suits your needs and budget.

Alaskan Chainsaw Mill

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